Thursday, March 22, 2007

Al Gore pleads for environment before U.S. Congress

The appearance of the Oscar- winning, Nobel-nominated Tennesseean stirred extraordinary interest. It was broadcast live by cable news channels, and long lines of people waited for hours to claim the seats available to the public.

Gore delivered the same message to a joint meeting of two House subcommittees dealing with energy, science and technology in the morning, and to a hearing of the Senate environment committee in the afternoon: Humans are artificially warming the world, the risks of inaction are great, and meaningful global action to cut emissions linked to warming will happen only if the United States takes decisive action.

This is taken from an article in the IHT on March 22, 2007.
I post it here because I think Al Core's contribution to the environmental cause is so enormous not because he's such a conservationist, but because of his contacts to the highest levels of decision makers.