Friday, November 24, 2006

where it all begins

Garbage garbage garbage - the planet drowns in garbage and we as a society spend a lot of tax dollars on getting rid of it.
When I was a kid, it was clear that not all garbage gets collected by trucks and then 'thrown away' [in landfills or expensive incinerators]. Some garbage was recycled in the backyard compost bin and reused as fertilizer in the garden. According to some statistics, 60% of all garbage produced is organic. Most, if not all of this can be recycled right there where it is produced. I use worms to help me accomplish this job in my home.

Nowadays, I doubt that children know that garbage can be the raw material of valuable fertilizers. I also doubt that adults are aware of the huge cost to our tax dollars (or Euros or Yen) as well as our environment (those garbage trucks burn Diesel and emit CO2 and other toxic gases).

Hence it becomes an educational issue.

For this reason, I have initated the "Neighborhood Worm Farm, with the following mission statement:

Neighborhood Worm Farm promotes vermiculture in urban areas with the objective to recycle organic wastes on the spot with the aid of earthworms and educate children and adults in vermiculture.
Neighborhood Worm Farm will provide knowhow as well as live worms and the necessary hardware.

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