Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Biofuels - blessing or curse?

As fossil fuels become increasingly scarce, Biofuels such as ethanol or biodiesel (made from soybeans or other seeds) are often hailed as the rescue for our society's fuel needs.

I, too, used to draw a lot of hope from these phantasies: that we Western societies can grow enough grain or oil-seeds to satisfy the hunger of our SUVs.

Sadly, I have come to realize that 900 million wealthy motorists are competing for whatever little food there was left in the developing countries. Even in our supermarkets we feel the pinch: the price of eggs, milk cheese, meat, etc. have all increased sharply as growers have found a new market for their grains.

Will we really burn the last 10 inches of our topsoil in our SUVs?

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